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James Gillies


Has many years of experience managing and creating wildlife habitats. In 2018, he launched his hugely successful meadow project, which created a patchwork of habitats across the UK.

meadow hqcq95
Wed 10 Apr 2024

Meadows are wonderful, evolving entities. The first year of any meadow it has a huge array of beautiful annuals for colour, however your subsequent years are always a fantastic surprise as to what you will get. Different flowers will germinate in different years all dependant on the condition of the soil, weather etc.

Fri 7 Jul 2023

Is it a wasp? Is it a bee? Actually, it might be a hoverfly.

Mon 19 Nov 2018

Hedgerows need work but can be by far the best investment for wildlife you could make on your land...

Wildflower Meadows Maintenance James Gillies
Fri 2 Nov 2018

Wildflower Meadows


Having a wildflower meadow requires very little maintenance throughout the summer months, and in the main you just sit back to enjoy it from May to September...

Japanese Knotweed
Fri 2 Nov 2018

Japanese Knotweed

Expert Advice

The Victorians' desire to have the most impressive and ostentatious of everything brought many things to Britain. Some of these plants we now wish had stayed in their native soil...

Biodiversity Offsetting Forest Path
Fri 2 Nov 2018

James Gillies, a specialist land manager and countryside steward, explains how biodiversity offsetting is not just for multinationals...