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Stephen Wolfenden

Is a professional property finder and chartered surveyor, with over 35 enjoyable years working in the industry. He makes amazing risotto, and loves all things Italian and cocker spaniels.

Thu 13 May 2021

There are lots of factors to consider when choosing your perfect property. One factor, however, that hasn’t been at the top of most people’s lists yet, but is sure to have an increasing impact on their choice in the years to come, is the air quality of the area. 

Screenshot 2021 01 26 at 13.07.49 tuqy1p
Tue 26 Jan 2021

Since March 2020, many of us have spent a great deal more time than usual in our homes. As most of the population has stayed at home to avoid the spread of COVID-19, our houses have served as offices, gyms, and schools, as well as forming our base for entertainment, food and pretty much anything else.