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The designs

are a starting point of your search for the 'perfect piece'. It may be that we have achieved it and you just want to take something from the showroom. You may love the look of something, but need a different size... no problem. You may love the timber/grain in a particular piece and want a different piece made in the same... no problem (within the confines of each piece of timber being unique... but that's where out skills come in).

You may love

features from different pieces and want to combine them into something problem. That's when our experience and expertise will come into advise on what will, and more importantly what 'will not' work! You may have a photo of something you have seen somewhere... no problem... we can interpret that and turn your vision into reality.

Our concern

always is to make something that we know 'will work', that you will be pleased with when we deliver into your home and that your friends compliment you on.



Tel: 01608 642 741


Chapel House Grounds, Chipping Norton, OX7 5SZ