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What's On, Wellbeing

Banbury Mind Body Spirit Wellbeing Show is back this July!

Banbury July

The Banbury Mind Body Spirit Wellbeing Show is set to return to the Waterside Bar at the General Foods Social Club on Saturday, July 6th, from 11am to 5pm.

This vibrant event will feature an array of attractions for those interested in spiritual and holistic health and wellbeing.

Attendees can look forward to engaging with tarot readers and psychics, exploring the insights they offer. Holistic therapists will be on hand to provide relaxing treatments, while stalls will showcase a variety of crystals and unique gifts and wellbeing products.

The event will also include enlightening talks and workshops covering a range of topics such as tarot, shamanism, sound healing, astrology, and Falun Gong.

"This is a perfect opportunity for anyone seeking to enhance their wellbeing and gain deeper spiritual insights," says organiser Julie Fenn from Deer Spirit Events

For more information visit


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