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Culture, Music

What Makes Me: Thea Gilmore

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Distinctive, strident and bold, the critically acclaimed singer-songwriter,  Thea  Gilmore,  is releasing her twentieth, album on 17 November.

Thea has worked with cultural icons including Bruce Springsteen, Martha Wainwright and John Cooper Clarke and headlined at Towersey Festival this year. After 25 years of recording, the eponymously titled album renews her vows to music – her first love – and grapples with ‘life’s big themes’ with an understanding which draws from her experience. She will be bringing the album to stage with a national tour starting at London’s Union Chapel in October and including a performance at SJE Arts in Oxford next February.

What Makes Thea


Writing, food, good coffee, discovering a song I can’t live without, food, watching someone play cello, my kids, Marvel movies, did I say food?


I have to try not to think too much about the world my kids are having to negotiate. From climate change, the devaluing of the arts and everything in between. There’s a general lack of the hope and optimism that I was lucky enough to grow up with. I think it’s all led to a more aggressive and selfish society and my heart aches for kids and teens trying to navigate through it.


The death of conversation. I really object to the growing culture in which we can’t air differing views to one-another in a gentle and civilised way. I miss fearless debate.


I reflect for a living, writing songs and poetry, so pretty much everything. But the longer I live, the more amazed, bemused and in awe I am of love in every form.


Politics. I know everyone feels that, but watching the overt crookedness of modern politics makes me fume. Oh, and you know when you hold a door for someone and they don’t say thank-you? That too.


Time. It’s taken me a long, long time to find any level of confidence. Some people are lucky enough to be blessed with it at a young age, for me it’s taken up until now to feel like I have anything to offer. My confidence grows year on year.. hopefully that means that by the time I’m in my 80s, I’ll be an absolute badass.

Feel Glamorous

I don’t really do glamour. That's something for other people. I do a kind of muted gothic cheerleader mixed with rabbit in the headlights chic. Patent pending.

Thea Gilmore by Thea Gilmore, entirely written, played and produced by Thea comes out later this month. For more information and to book ticket for her tour visit


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