Following their successful and critically acclaimed production of Romeo and Juliet, Wild Goose Theatre returns to the Oxford Castle and Prison for the 14th year with one of Shakespeare’s best loved plays.
Oxford Castle Courtyard - 1-27 July
12 Days Wild is the festive challenge by the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT), which takes place from 25 December to 5 January. The idea is to do one wild thing
Get ready for a spring bursting with inspirational performance and great entertainment at Oxford Playhouse!
The sparkly season begins with one of the historic farm's biggest fundraisers of the year, the Cogges Christmas Market, on 30 Nov & 1 December. Festive shopping with two barns and a farmyard full of beautiful artisan crafts and unique gifts: accessories and homewares, from ceramics to cakes and other delicious delights, fashion and hand knits, to gin and sparkling wine, beautiful handmade wreaths, decorations with a difference and lots more!